Wesley Journal May 2019: Commencing

Cover photo by Sarah Mae Gabuyo, a winner of the Student Council's Spring Photo Competiton

It’s the time of year for transitions. DC is finally transitioning into something like spring, which will hopefully hold for a week or two before summer hits, and for those of us who are graduating we are finally, finally, transitioning from being students to being something else. Whether you have a ministry setting waiting for you after you cross the stage at the Cathedral or you are still seeking what happens next, congratulations are in order for all the graduates. Completing your time here, I’m sure, has been no small feat.

I know this issue is filled to the brim with words from graduates, but let me add a few more. As editor, I’ve worked to establish the Journal as a place where the entire Wesley faculty, and students in particular, could share activities, events, and especially their reflections with one another. I wanted to showcase some of the beauty that can be found in this seminary journey (whether you’re seeking an MDiv or not), along with some of the struggles. Thank you, to those who have contributed and those who have read, for helping me create a space to hold these things.

This is a space for story and story matters. Your story, my story, our story together. It is a privilege to be a small part of the team that shepherds these stories to create the Journal. I, Julie, hope you enjoy this collection of reflections from the Wesley community. I am grateful to Jo and the Wesley Student Council for creating such a beautiful publication, and for each of you who have shared deeply in the following pages. You can view the full PDF version of the Journal by clicking here.

In this issue:

A Message from the Outgoing Student Council, written by 2018-2019 Student Council President Kasongo Butler
A Message from the Incoming Student Council, written by 2019-2020 Student Council President Ellie Crain
A Space for Difficult Conversations, insights from Dean Wingeier-Rayo on his first year as Wesley's Dean
Speaking for the Saints, a reflection on the role of Wesley's Student Council by Dr. Sondra Wheeler

Organizing the Beloved Community, this issue's Justice Corner, by Paola Lemus Bustillos
When the Dawn Delays: Riding the Dissonance of Post-Graduation Blues by Nila Y. Curry
Excited for Ministry, Thankful for the Journey by Daniel Chun
Closing and Opening Doors by Sammy Klipsch
Advice from a Seminarian: Embrace the Unknown by Elijah Ferebee
A Student Pastor's Reflection by Todd Christine
The Sweetest Things I'll Ever Know by Wasaba Sidibay

We hope this graduation issue of the Journal will give you space to celebrate and reflect on the year that’s past.

Jo Schonewolf
Julie Hagen
Editors, Wesley Journal
May 9, 2019


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