Message from the Outgoing Student Council

Wesley Community, it has been an honor serving as your President of Student Council for 2018-19. Thank you for allowing me to lead and learn with you. Through the course of this year, we have together been able to cultivate enthusiasm and build collaboration among all members and organizations within the Wesley community. We have done this through engaging activities, fun and fellowship, and courageous conversations. Events sponsored by Student Council, like Free Hugs, Prayer and Brownies, the Civil Dialogue workshop, Implicit Bias workshops, the Book Donations Drive, Thanksgiving and Easter dinners, and the Spring Outing and Cherry Blossoms Photo Contest are a few examples.

Student Council also partnered with and supported other organizations to help provide our community with well-rounded programs and activities. Plumbline spurred us toward love and justice with the United to Love Rally and Motivational Mondays. The Association of Black Seminarians embraced community with Wakanda Family Day and monthly worship services. Wesley Fellowship got us moving with a scavenger hunt and pumpkin picking, and the Korean Student Association tickled our taste buds with Korean delicacies. Through our conversations and interactions, we have changed. We have grown. We have gained a deeper understanding of our community, our neighbor, God, and ourselves. 

Our gains are not by accident. There has been purposeful collaboration with the entire community. The dedication and diligence of the Student Council Executive Board has been exceptional -- Nicole Poland, Vice President; Paola Lemus Bustillos, Secretary; Shelly Ballard, Treasurer; Jonathan Fuller, Parliamentarian; Teaira Parker and Jaleesa Hall, members at-large. Special recognition is due to Dr. James Estes as the Student Council advisor and to the Office of Community/Campus Life, especially Dean Asa Lee and Ms. Octavia Young, for their unwavering guidance and support. 

Many of you are graduating this month, Congratulations! We ask God for blessings upon your future endeavors. For those who will be continuing your studies at Wesley, also congratulations! You made it through one more semester. Keep going—the finish line is nearer than you think. 

May we all continue to strive toward the goal of the I See You initiative we set forth at the beginning of the year. Let us continue to see one another, to acknowledge each other’s value and worth as one of God’s beautiful creations.

Kasongo Bulter is a seminarian at Wesley and the 2018-2019 President of the Student Council, pictured here with the other members of the Executive Board
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