Justice Corner: Conflagration of Community

There were many communities to be found at the Special General Conference of the United Methodist Church held this past February in St. Louis, some of them consolidated while others were in conflict. We entered The Dome as United Methodists and left feeling a deep division. I was in the thick of this broken community as an observer. After the final plenary vote approving the Traditional Plan was announced, protests erupted around the room. Opponents began to chant and sing portions of “Blessed Assurance.” In response, proponents sang “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand.” These two hymns which espouse key tenets of our faith were being flung like fiery darts at one another and piercing the heart of our community, setting it all ablaze. This was not a gentle warming akin to what John Wesley described; this was an inferno fed by years of tension and lack of understanding between parties. The inferno continued, eating up all of the oxygen in the room. I found it hard to breathe as I ...