A Message from the Student Council

In light of the United Methodist Church's Special General Conference, the Student Council Executive Board wants to continue to affirm that we are in prayer for our community. We are glad our institution, Wesley Theological Seminary, is one that welcomes all. We also affirm the young United Methodists’ petition at last month’s General Conference which said that we "are not of one mind when it comes to inclusion of our LGBTQ siblings in Christ. And yet through working together, sharing stories, and worshipping side by side we have seen each other’s gifts and fruits for ministry! We have witnessed the incredible ways that God is working through each of us in our own unique contexts. We believe that if we are truly a body we need each other. We need one another, in all of our diversity—to fulfill our call to be the Body of Christ."

As we continue through this semester and the stresses of classes intensify, please remember to care for yourselves and to actively love those around you. The Student Council is partnering with our Office of Campus Life, Henry Luce Center for the Arts, and Artist-in-Residence, Ken Krafchek to continue to provide spaces for processing anxiety, pain, grief, or any other emotions, both verbally and non-verbally. We invite you to join us for these opportunities as we continue to move forward in community with one another as the Body of Christ, uplifting and affirming our callings.

As always, you can reach us at studentcouncil@wesleyseminary.edu if there are ways we can be of assistance to you.
The Wesley Student Council Executive Board consists of Kasongo Butler, Nicole Poland, Paola Lemus Bustillos, Shelly Ballard, Jonathan Fuller, Jaleesa Hall, and Teaira Parker
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