Call for an Editor

The editor of the Wesley Journal is responsible for gathering contributions, designing the layout, and final copy-editing and printing and posting of each issue of the Wesley Journal, making this the perfect (paying) job for a social butterfly with an eye for design and an opinion on the Oxford comma. If that's not you, though, and you have a desire to work with members of the Wesley community to express ideas, showcase student work, and preserve this moment we're in for future cohorts of Wesley students, never fear! This is still the position for you. The editor works with and is supported by members of the Student Council's Communication Committee to seek out contributors and receive feedback on each issue. It's a balance of independence and collaboration that gives you the opportunity to pursue a vision for each issue but to never have to pursue it alone.

If you're interested in applying to be next year's editor of the Wesley Journal, email your cover letter and resume to with the subject line “Application for Editor.” Submissions must be received by 6pm on Friday, March 28th, and the Communication Committee will make its selection during the first week of April. The incoming editor will work with the outgoing editor on the 2018-2019’s last edition of the Journal, which will come out in May. Any questions about the position can be directed to Jo Schonewolf via or over coffee on campus.

To read other articles from this issue of the Journal, click here.
You can view the entire issue of the Journal here.


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