Encouragement from Plumbline

Congratulations on making it to the Spring Semester. Some of you are journeying into the second half of the academic year, while others are new to our Wesley family. In either event, welcome and welcome back.

This graduate program is not easy. It is probably harder than most other graduate degrees because the real person you are studying is yourself. These classes are designed to teach you about the history, foundation, fundamentals, and even the extremes Christianity can take. What ends up happening is your beliefs and spiritual foundation gets attacked and you are suddenly on defense. You end up gaining/losing weight, losing sleep, speaking in worldly tongues to the theologians, and even thinking about quitting. 

This struggle is not for nothing. If you persevere through this very difficult terrain, you will come out knowing yourself better, learn how to discern a real word of God, make new friends, and best of all you cultivate a deeper relationship with a God that is bigger than you thought. Again welcome. Welcome to the new year, welcome to the Wesley family, and welcome to the new you.

Teaira Parker is a seminarian at Wesley and president of Plumbline.


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