Call for Contributions

The next edition of the Wesley Journal will be published in March and we'll be focusing on community. Wesley is a complicated place. We have students who live on campus and those who travel in from hours away. We have student pastors, pastors who are continuing their education, future pastors, and those who don't want to be pastors at all. Some of us work full-time and some part-time, but many of us will end up balancing an internship with our coursework and our responsibilities to our finances as well as our families, friends, and other significant people in our lives. No matter how we come to this complicated place, we all need support. That's why the Journal wants to hear from you. Where do you find community and support at Wesley? What stops you from feeling in community or supported or cared for? What changes do you want to see at Wesley? What do you want to see grow? No matter where you're at in your seminary journey, we want to hear from you! Interested? ...