Around Campus

Over the course of November, I attended two events put on by Wesley student organizations, a worship service with the Association of Black Seminarians and the international student lunch. Both were lovely events that I am thankful for attending and it is with great pleasure that I provide a glimpse about them.

The Association of Black Seminarians worship service on November 12, 2018 where the service was truly delightful.  The key passage for the service was Numbers 27, which tells the story of the Daughters of Zelophehad. As I listened to the word read and proclaimed, it spoke to me about the right, the privilege, and the responsibility that we have to stand up against injustice for ourselves and for those that will come after. Jaleesa Hall, who delivered the sermon, was an electrifying speaker and an honor to hear preach. “We Shall Overcome” and “Ain’t Gon’ Let Nobody” accompanied the sermon. The songs were moving and emotional, a perfect compliment to the sermon. I encourage everyone to attend the next ABS worship service. Between the energizing preaching and affecting music, it was a powerful experience.

The International Student Lunch on Friday, November 16, 2018 culminated a week of the events focused on international students.  It was a time to fellowship with the international students over tasty food from a wide variety of countries. This was a fantastic way to meet the international students that enrich Wesley and learn more about the work they perform in their home countries. I was moved to learn that some students risk their lives on daily basis to preach the Good News. The international lunch was a great way to kick-off the Thanksgiving holiday and I look forward to next year when we again celebrate the students that find their way to Wesley from around the globe!

Vanessa Rodriguez, Esq, is a seminarian at Wesley.


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